De wetenschap achter een goede nachtrust

The science behind a good night's sleep

Sleep is non-negotiable in life. Every animal on earth needs it. A good night's sleep is the cornerstone on which we base our day . It is essential for every process in our body and has a direct influence on both our physical and mental ability the next day.

So, considering this, why do so many of us neglect it? Nowadays, getting 8 hours of good quality sleep is seen as a rare luxury rather than an achievable goal every night.

Even for those few of us who can brag about regularly hitting the 8-hour mark, time spent sleeping is too simple a metric to measure your sleep. What's just as important is the quality of sleep you get and how regular your sleep schedule is.

For example, if you've been drinking alcohol, you may find that you fall asleep more quickly, but your ability to achieve rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is drastically reduced, so you still wake up feeling tired the next day, even if you have had 8 hours of sleep. .

When it comes to having a regular sleep schedule, it is well documented how shift workers with consistently disrupted sleep patterns are at higher risk of developing diseases such as cancer.

So let's first look at some of the biggest obstacles we face when it comes to sleep.


This is a big one. Stress affects every part of your life, and sleep is no exception. And it goes way beyond those stressful thoughts that keep you awake while you stare at the ceiling. Stress affects your ability to truly relax your body and mind and sink into a deep sleep. When you are stressed, you will often find yourself waking up several times during the night.

Late dinner.

For most of us, dinner is our biggest meal of the day and it usually happens between 7 and 9. This is just about the worst eating routine you could have when it comes to your sleep.

We eat food to give us energy. If you're full from your largest meal of the day and go to bed a few hours later, you've given your body this huge source of energy to break down and pump through your system, and then try to sleep. Not easy.

It's much better to have a big lunch, burn that energy through the day, and then have a smaller meal so you don't go to bed with a stomach full of food.

Again, a pretty obvious one. The main function of coffee is to keep people awake. It's definitely something you should avoid right before bed. Ideally, it is something you should avoid altogether, but at the very least cut out all intake after lunch.

Television and telephones.

The blue light emitted by your phone and TV screen inhibits the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. This makes it harder to fall asleep that night and wake up the next day.

You shouldn't really sleep with your phone next to you. Try leaving it on the other side of the room or better yet, outside your room. Don't worry, you'll still hear your alarm in the morning.

Now that we've identified some of the main causes of poor sleep, let's take a look at exactly how lack of sleep affects your body.

You get sick.

Not getting enough sleep can affect your body's ability to fight disease and infection. For everything from colds to recovering from surgery, rest and sleep are vital to allowing your body to fight and heal from illness.

Difficulty thinking clearly and concentrating.

Not getting enough sleep is detrimental to your cognitive abilities. Things like memory, concentration, decision making, reasoning and problem solving all deteriorate quickly if you haven't slept well.

Increased risk of cancer.

Shortened sleep or an irregular sleep schedule has been proven to increase the risk of developing cancer. Unfortunately, this means that shift workers such as nurses are the most affected.

Increased diabetes risk.

Not getting enough sleep (and in fact, getting too much sleep) wreaks havoc on your body's insulin levels, making you much more susceptible to developing adult-onset diabetes.

You become accident prone.

You are 3 times more likely to be in a car accident if you sleep less than 6 hours. That number alone should be strong enough to get your sleep schedule on point.

Your appearance suffers.
It goes without saying that everyone looks much better after a good night's sleep. Lack of sleep can result in poor skin, bags under your eyes and generally making you look unwell. This may not be the most serious side effect in the world, but still something that can be easily avoided with a good 7 or 8 hours.

Fortunately, not all is lost. There are some simple ways to improve your sleep and get those 7 to 8 hours every night.

Drink BrightSleep before going to bed.

BrightSleep is a powerful scientific formula that uses natural vitamins and minerals to calm the body and mind, and is the perfect remedy for restful and restorative sleep. Simply drink and feel the effects in 20 minutes or less.


Bringing some physical activity into your day is a great way to improve sleep. The more activity you do during the day, the more tired your body and mind will be when you crawl into bed that night, and the faster you will fall asleep. Logical, right?

Don't nap.

Sleeping is a big no-no. Simply put, you're essentially taking some of the fatigue you need to fall asleep that night and using it up during the day. Also, naps rarely result in you entering REM, which is the deep sleep state needed to recharge your body.

Stick to a schedule.

Ideally, you should go to bed around the same time every night and wake up around the same time every morning. Our bodies like routine, so the more regular your sleep schedule is, the easier you'll find it to fall asleep.

Have a bedtime routine.

Bedtime routines aren't just for kids. Even in adults, a bedtime routine has been shown to improve sleep. It doesn't have to be too complicated. Essentially, it's just a routine that calms you down and relaxes your body and mind. This could be reading, meditating, listening to relaxing music, applying creams or lotions, whatever suits you. Basically a non-stressful activity that calms you down and lets your body know you're ready for bed.

So there you have it. Hopefully you now have an idea of ​​the importance of a good night's sleep and how to get it. For those of you looking for truly restorative sleep, BrightSleep is a great way to calm and relax your body and mind, ensuring a restful night's sleep. Check it out and see for yourself.

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